• La participación del personal auxiliar de odontología en los sistemas locales de salud Human Resources

    Frazão, Paulo; Castellanos, Roberto A.

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    Aunque numerosos sistemas locales de salud (SILOS) del Brasil emplean personal auxiliar de odontología, existe poca información disponible sobre la contribución de esos trabajadores a los programas de salud bucodental. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la participación de ese personal en 10 SILOS de cinco municipios del estado de São Paulo. Se preparó un cuestionario que fue contestado por 245 (75,4%) de los 325 auxiliares y técnicos de higiene dental empleados en esos sistemas. Los resultados indicaron que la participación del personal auxiliar de odontología en las actividades de promoción de la salud bucodental es variable en los distintos SILOS estudiados. En algunos, el personal dedicó más tiempo a las actividades de promoción que a las tareas de asistencia odontológica. Las actividades más frecuentes de promoción de la salud bucodental fueron los enjuagues de flúor, la detección de la placa bacteriana dental seguida del cepillado supervisado y las actividades educativas en unidades básicas de salud y escuelas. En todos los casos, la participación del personal auxiliar de odontología de los SILOS ha sido muy importante pues ha contribuido a transformar la práctica de la odontología en el ámbito de la salud pública.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Though numerous local health systems (sistemas locales de salud, or SILOS) in Brazil employ dental assistants, there is little information on the contributions these workers make to oral health programs. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of such workers in 10 SILOS in five municipalities in the state of São Paulo. Of the 325 dental assistants and dental hygienists employed in those systems, 245 (75.4%) answered a questionnaire that had been prepared. The results showed variations in the degree to which dental assistants participated in oral health promotion activities in the SILOS studied. In some SILOS, these workers devoted more time to dental health promotion activities than to helping perform dental tasks with individual patients. The most frequent oral health promotion activities were fluoride rinses, plaque detection followed by supervised brushing, and educational activities at basic health units and schools. In all cases, dental assistants working in the SILOS played a significant role in helping transform the practice of dentistry within the sphere of public health.
  • Gestión y desempeño de los recursos humanos en los servicios de salud reproductiva Human Resources

    Resumo em Inglês:

    For most people, utilizing reproductive health services is colored by strong emotional and subjective implications. Therefore, it is essential to know the local situation well when planning those services and designing activities directed toward the community. User satisfaction also depends on allowing those persons to participate in solving problems from their own perspective and on the treatment they receive from health service personnel. It's impossible to overstate the importance of the performance of health care providers and, accordingly, the management of those personnel. This article presents general principles that govern such management, the tasks that management entails, and the most desirable attitudes in reproductive health service providers.
Organización Panamericana de la Salud Washington - Washington - United States
E-mail: contacto_rpsp@paho.org